MMSW & Small Businesses
Exempt and Low-Volume Stewards
Businesses supplying less than 1,000 kg of packaging and paper annually to Saskatchewan residents are exempt from registration and reporting requirements. There are also exemptions for businesses with less than $2 million in annual revenue or that operate a single retail point.
Businesses supplying between 1,000 and 5,000 kg of material annually have the option of filing a simplified report and paying a flat fee. This relieves eligible low-volume stewards of the administrative burden of calculating the weights of packaging and paper supplied to residents of Saskatchewan, then filing a detailed report and paying stewardship fees in accordance with MMSW’s material fee rate schedule.
Businesses that supply more than 5,000 kg are required to submit detailed annual reports. All businesses should also review the MMSW Terms and Conditions before registering or reporting.
Low-Volume Reporting
Stewards who believe they qualify for one of the low-volume reporting categories should contact National Steward Services before filing a report in the WeRecycle Portal. An Online Assessment Tool can help businesses determine their low-volume reporting eligibility by answering a few questions.
For 2024, the following flat fees are available to low-volume stewards:
- $840 for businesses that supply between 1,000 and 2,499 kg.
- $1,760 for businesses that supply between 2,500 and 5,000 kg.
Prior to December 31, 2016, businesses resident in Saskatchewan with annual revenue between $2 million and $5 million were required to pay an annual $500 flat fee for the first two years of the program and were not required to report to MMSW. Previous low-volume flat fees are summarized in the table below:
Click here to view table at full size
For more information about exemptions or low-volume reporting, please contact National Steward Services at 1-877-667-2626or .